Masters Nats

Garage Racing made a strong showing at Masters Nationals in Bend, Oregon last week and are returning with a number of high placings from many hotly contested races. Nearly a full week in Bend gave ample time to earn stars & stripes for the following individuals:
- Robert Powell: Gnocchi making for the team dinner. Silver to Alex for supporting the local economy with the purchase of the gnocchi paddles.
- Mike Burdo: DVD rental choice: Arthur. Have you ever tried white truffle gelato? Silver to Nikos for having the endurance to sit through the whole movie.
- John Sindell: Burger flipping with a back two-and-a-half somersault tuck between the grill grate into the ashes. In the next day's burger flipping, Kyle's forward straight dive earned silver.
- Kevin Masterson: Apple pancakes, plain and simple. Nikos's broiled & seasoned potatoes took silver.
- Alex Rosenast: sufficiently confusing a waitress while ordering a margarita. The team didn't even have a chance to attack the waitress with "is that organic?" or "can you substitute whole wheat for the corn tortillas?" before Alex put forth his solo attack to take the gold.
- Kyle Farrell: Tri-berry smoothies. The claim "the shit that makes you fast" is a misnomer; consumption proved the expletive should be used as a verb and not a noun.
- David & John Hills on synchronized swimming in the feed zone. Unfortunately they were desynchronized on the water bottle handoff.
The road race on the Aubrey Butte Circuit course had solid results, albeit no hardware. Mike Burdo 15th in 55-59, David Hills took 24th in the 50-54 race, Nikos Mills 8th in 45-49, John Sindell 11th in 35-39, and Zach Jones 23rd in 30-34 (after pulling the field around for two laps!). Expect the team to show up to Bend for 2012 Nationals where we're sure to invent a bunch of new categories to medal in.
In local Masters ne